Himalayan Organic Limited (HOL) takes an integrated systems approach covering different stages of crop production cycle through co-design of intelligent tools and services in participatory approaches. These services are customizable based on local need and demand.
The HOL team continuously research and develop low cost tools and technologies in agriculture and livestock sector that can be adopted in remote village of Nepal.
HOL will build sustainable capacity amongst community level for safe food production. It help to provide and supply seedling that suits based at community level.
- Himalayan Organic Limited is providing affordable, durable and optimally useful services to small and larger-scale farms.
- Helps in the production of grafted vegetables and fruits seedings that are considered as High value agriculture product in Sindhuli and Lalitpur districts.
- Helps to build sustainable capacity amongst community level for safe food production.
- Himalayan Organic Limited under GeoKrishi initiative, develops crop specific micro content and tested crop scheduling information for different geographical region.
- It provides extension services to the targeted farmers community.
- Provides developed integrated mechanism to manage farm, farmers dairy and crops scheduling.
- Provides strengthened capacity of technician, farmers groups, farmers cooperative and official representatives in providing extension servies using scientifically validated tools and technologies.
- IN collaboration with national and international development organization Himalayan Organic Limited helps to develop knowledge on agriculture and livestock products and commodities.